Resident Evil 4
A full remake and reimagining of 2005's Resident Evil 4.

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720p with RSR on upscale to 1080p(make sure it's on or it will look potato) 120hz with Freesync on VRAM 6GB CPU boost off Vari-bright off (not related to game keep it off at all times) Graphics in game: Screen resolution: 1280x720 Refresh rate: 120.00hz Frame rate: variable Display mode: Borderless Window (usually Fullscreen for RSR to work but in this game it works with borderless so borderless it is) Vertical Synchronization: off Cinematics resolution: full hd Ray tracing:off FSR2: off FSR1:off Image quality: 100% Rendering mode: Normal Anti-aliasing:TAA Texture Quality: high 2GB Texture Filtering: high ANISO X2 Mesh quality: mid Shadow quality: mid Shadow cache:on Contact shadows:on Ambient Occlusion: fidelity FX CACAO Volumetric Lighting: Mid Particle lighting Quality: low Bloom: on Screen Space Reflections:off Subsurface Scattering: off Hair strands: off Graphic Dismemberment: on Persistent Corpses: few Corpse Physics: high Diverse Enemy Animations: high Motion Blur: off Rain Quality: low Terrain: on Destructible Environments: on Lens Flare:on Lens Distortion: on (chromatic aberration) Depth of field: on Resource intense lighting Quality: high Resource intense effects quality: low